Excuse me, where can I get Avatar porn?

The first week of October is a time of celebration for the Chinese, for the 1st was the day they became independent. I have to admit that lately I haven’t been the most eco-friendly person in the planet. In fact, by taking 8 flights in the past 2 weeks, I have indulged in a shameful act of leaving my carbon footprints everywhere.

This week my journey has taken me to Shao Xing, where a local friend has generously offered lodging and shelter for 5 days. I have chosen some snap shots to best summarize the trip.


Colourful mop.
Chicken delivered on a truck. The freshest way to get your poultry.
Local boatman.
Mr. C chilling on a tree.
How the Chinese create their software.

And last but not least…

Hustler edition of Avatar, anyone?

Mind you, we found this in a small second-hand semi-outdoor DVD stall in the middle of nowhere. And before you ask, I didn’t buy it.

2 comments on “Excuse me, where can I get Avatar porn?

  1. Mr. Boatman rocking in style with his oversleeve, thames boatman hat circa 1820 and cigarette nonchalantly hanging from his lips; a true testament to the fact that you can look dashing and dandy even if you are 100 years old, have more wrinkles than a shar pei and your closet contains four set of clothes for four seasons. Inspiring!
    Oh, and the way he holds that chain..

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